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Nutrient Management :: Sweet Sorghum

Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)

Importance of INM
Application of inorganic nutrients alone in the long run will lead to soil and environmental pollution. Hence integration organic and inorganic fertilizer will sustain the soil heath and improve the cane yield of the sweet sorghum crop.

Importance of Balanced Nutrition

Application of balanced fertilizer at recommended dose in the right stage of the crop will not only improve the productivity but also improve the soil fertility and reduce the environmental pollution.

Evaluation of Fertilizer Requirement

Soil testing is suggested tool for evaluating the fertilizer requirement. It has to be done before the cropping season well in advance so as to ascertain the native fertility of the soil and to recommend the correct dose of fertilizer which will reduce the fertilizer cost.

Recommended INM

  • Apply 12.5 tons of FYM/ha at last ploughing.
  • Soil application of Azospirillum @ 10 packets (2.0 kg/ha) after mixing with 25 kg of FYM + 25 kg of soil may be carried out before sowing/planting.
  • 12.5 kg /ha of MN mixture mixed with enough sand to make a total quantity of 50 kg and applied over the furrows and on top 1/3 of the ridges.
  • Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations. If soil test recommendation is not available adopt a blanket recommendation of 80: 40: 40 kg of NPK/ha for varieties.

Stages of Application of Fertilizers

  • Apply azospirillum and MN mixtures as basal
  • Apply half dose of N and full dose of P 2O 5 and K 2O basally before sowing.
  • Apply the balance N in two splits of 25% each on 15th and 30th day of sowing.

Updated on : 24.06.2013


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