First endogenous cytokinin was isolated from maize kernels named as zeatin.
Germinating seeds, roots, sap streams, developing fruits and tumor tissue are rich in cytokinins.
Cytokinins imbibed seeds germinate better in dark than unimbibed lettuce seeds.
Similarly cytokinin together with gibberllin effectively breaks the photodormancy of celery (Apium graveolens) seeds.
Synthetic cytokinins are kinetin, benzyladenine and ethoxy ethladenine.
Role of cytokinin
Cell divisions, elongation and enlargement
Induction of flowering, fruit development
Apical dominance-overcoming
Delay senescence
Tissue culture morphogenesis
Breaking dormancy
Improves N2 metabolism
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Cell division |
Auxillary growth |
Delaying of senescence |