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Weed Management :: Cumbu
Major weeds
Cynodon dactylon Dactyloctenium aegyptium Chloris barbata
Cynodon dactylon Dactyloctenium aegyptium Chloris barbata
Panicum sp Dinebra retroflexa
Panicum sp Dinebra retroflexa Dinebra arabica
Broad leaved weeds
Parthenium hysterophorus Cleome gynandra Trianthema portulacastrum
Parthenium hysterophorus Cleome gynandra Trianthema portulacastrum
Amaranthus viridis Acalypha indica
Amaranthus viridis Acalypha indica Cleome viscosa
Cyperus esculentus Cyperus rotundus
Cyperus esculentus
Cyperus rotundus


Transplanted crop

  1. Spray PE Atrazine 0.25 kg/ha on 3 DAT followed by one hand weeding on 30 - 35 DAT.
  2. If herbicide is not used hand weeding twice on 15 DAT and 30 - 35 DAT.

Weed free cumbu field

Direct Sown crop

  1. Apply the PE Atrazine 0.25 kg/ha on 3 DAS as spray on the soil surface using Back-pack/Knapsack/Rocker sprayer fitted with flat type nozzle using 500 litres of water/ha.
  2. Apply herbicide when there is sufficient moisture in the soil.
  3. Hand weed on 30 - 35 days after sowing if pre-emergence herbicide is applied.
  4. If pre-emergence herbicide is not applied hand weed twice on 15 and 30 days after sowing.

    Image Source:
    -- Dr.R.Jagannathan,
       Professor of Agronomy,
       TNAU, Coimbatore-3.

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