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Crop Production :: Millets :: Maize :: Irrigated Maize
Water Management

Maize crop is sensitive to both moisture stress and excessive moisture, hence regulate irrigation according to the requirement. Ensure optimum moisture availability during the most critical phase (45 to 65 days after sowing); otherwise yield will be reduced by a considerable extent.

Regulate irrigation according to the following growth phase of the crop.
Germination & establishment phase                     1 to   14 days
Vegetative phase                                                 15 to 39 days
Flowering phase                                                   40 to 65 days
Maturity phase                                                     66 to 95 days

Heavy soils
Stage No. of irrigation                            Days after sowing
Germination & establishment 3 After sowing, Life irrigation -4th,12th day
Vegetative 2 25th, 36th day
Flowering (Irrigate copiously) 2 48th,  60th day
Maturity phase (Control irrigation) 2 72nd, 85th day
Light soils
Germination & establishment 3 After sowing, Life irrigation -4th ,12thday
Vegetative Phase 3 22nd ,32nd & 40th day
Flowering phase (Irrigate copiously) 3 50th ,60th & 72nd day
Maturity phase (Controlled irrigation) 2 85th , 95th day


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Drip Irrigation at Maize Field Fertigation Schedule