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Crop Production :: Millets :: Maize :: Irrigated Maize
Weed Management
  • Apply Atrazine @ 0.25 kg/ha as pre-emergence on 3-5 DAS using Backpack/ Knapsack/ Rocker sprayer fitted with a flat fan nozzle using 500 litres of water/ha followed by one hand weeding on 30-35 DAS. (or)
  • Apply Atrazine @ 0.25 kg/ha as pre-emergence on 3-5 DAS followed by 2,4-D @ 1 kg/ha on 20-25 DAS, using Backpack/Knapsack/Rocker sprayer fitted with a flat fan nozzle using 500 litres of water/ha.
  • In line sown crop, apply PE Atrazine @ 0.25 kg/ha on 3-5 DAS followed by Twin Wheel hoe weeder weeding on 30-35 DAS.
  • Apply herbicide when there is sufficient moisture in the soil.
  • Do not disturb the soil after herbicide application.
  • If pulse crop is to be raised as intercrop, do not use Atrazine. Spray Pendimethalin @0.75 kg/ha as pre emergence on 3-5 DAS.
Unweeded Maize field

Hoeing and hand weeding on
the 17th or 18th day of sowing
Weed free maize field