Mineral Nutrition :: Fiber Crops :: Sugarcane

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Deficiency Symptoms :

  • Young leaves where pale stripes with scanty chlorophyll content occur between parallel lines.
  • Leaves turn completely white, even in the veins and midribs.
  • Restricted Root growth.
  • stunted appearance with constricted internodes
Corrective Measure :

Foliar spraying of 250-500g of ferrous sulphate dissolved in 100 lit of water or Soil application of 25kg/ha of ferrous sulphate or

Application of 100 kg of ferrous sulphate mixed with 12.5 tonnes of farmyard manure for one hectare (or)

Alternatively foliar spraying of 5 kg of ferrous sulphate with 2.5 kg of urea in 500 litres of water for one hectare should be done.

The foliar spraying may be repeated at an interval of 7-10 days depending upon on the severity of the disorder.


Fodder Cholam