Miscellaneous Equipments
Beak trimmer
- It is an electrical device used to cut a portion of beak in order to prevent cannibalism among birds.
Nest boxes
- These are used to get clean eggs and to avoid floor eggs in layer or breeder houses.
- These may be individual, communal or trap nest.
Weighing balances
- Different types of weighing balances are available to weigh birds or feed for record and marketing purposes.
Perches / Roost
- This is a wooden device usually kept at a height of about 3-5’ from the floor in order to help the bird to stand over it.
- It is made up of iron rods and fitted with wooden handle.
- This is used to rake the litter material in case of deep-litter system of rearing.
![](images/equi/11.1.Beak trimmer.JPG) |
![](images/equi/11.3.Perches or Roost.jpg) |
Source : Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Science University,
Updated on March 2015 |