Uco Hirak Jayanti Krishi Yojana (UHJKY)
In order to meet the long term credit needs of the farming community in rural areas for agriculture, allied activities as well as for personal purposes, this new scheme with liberalized terms and conditions, named also to commemorate our Bank's Diamond Jubilee Year, has been introduced throughout the country .The scheme is meant for persons less than 60 years of age and engaged in farm activities. Minimum quantum of the loan is Rs. 25,000/- and maximum Rs. 5.00 lacs with no requirement for any margin or a guarantor. Security would be in the form of mortgage of unencumbered immovable properties and/or lien on movable assets/liquid collaterals such as NSC/KVP/LIP/Bonds, etc. Borrowers under this scheme have to repay the loan in 5 yearly/10 half yearly installments after an initial moratorium period. Borrower has to pay a small service charge @ 0.5% of the loan amount.
For further details Click here
Source: http://www.ucobank.com