7. Dealers of Agricultural Inputs
Distribution of agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, cattle /poultry feed, fishing net, sprinkler/drip irrigation machinery, spare parts of oil engine/tractor/fishing boats, tools required for poultry/horticulture etc.
For further details Click here
8. Farm Produce Marketing Loan
To provide finance to farmer against pledge of receipt issued by state, central govt. ware houses as well as receipt issued by owners of private regd. Warehouse, godown and cold storages.
- To provide liquidity to the farmers.
- To enable farmers to hold on their produce during the period of bumper crop harvest when market price are ruling at the lowest.
- To facilitate agriculturist to realize remunerative price by selling their farm produce during off- season when market is ruling high.
For further details Click here
9. Baroda Kisan Credit Card (BKCC)
Objective: Empowering the farmer![](http://agritech.tnau.ac.in/banking/card.jpg)
Purpose: Purchase of quality inputs, investment requirements like purchase of agriculture implements/tractor etc, farming expenses towards farm maintenance, unforeseen family expenses (consumption) and maintenance of non-farm activities.
For further details Click here
10. Scheme for Purchase of Agriculture Land
(i) Small and Marginal farmers i.e. those who would own maximum of non irrigated or irrigated land (including purchase of land under the scheme) as stipulated by NABARD
(ii.) Share croppers/Tenant farmers
For further details Click here
11. Financing Second Hand Tractors![](http://agritech.tnau.ac.in/banking/sec_trac.JPG)
Farmers engaged in dry land farming or having small land holding who can not afford to purchase first hand tractor, can now obtain finance for second hand tractor under this scheme.
The mode of finance covers activities for purchase of second hand tractor with max. loan amount of Rs 2 lacs. Purchase of second hand tractor up to 80% of the value assessed or Current market price of new tractor of same model/manufacturer minus depreciation @12% p.a. at straight line method. Expenses for repairing not exceeding Rs 50000/- as per estimate. Equipment cost (depreciated) if not considered in valuation mentioned above.