- Production credit limit requirement.
- Working Capital requirement for allied activities.
- Ancillary credit requirement related to crop production.
- Contingent needs (Branches can allow 10% of the outlay for contingent purposes).
Fixation of limit: Within the overall limit of the farmer under KCC Scheme seasonal limits may be fixed. A farmer can make any number of drawls and deposits within his drawing power.
Security, Margin and Discretionary powers: As applicable to Crop Loans.
Documentation: As applicable to agricultural advances. Documents to be obtained for the total limit including contingency limit, if any, fixed by the branch.
Renewal of Limits: Limit is valid for three years subject to annual review. In case of natural calamities the facility of re-phasement/ re-schedulement is also available to KCC accounts.
Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (PAIS) for KCC holders: All KCC holders up to the age of 70 years are covered under PAIS with a risk coverage of `50,000/-for death due to accident caused by outward violent and visible means/Permanent total disability/Loss of two limbs or two eyes or one limb and one eye and `25,000/- forLoss of one limb or one eye (Partial disability). Premium payable is ` 15/- per KCC holder annually and `45/- per KCC holder for 3 years. Premium payable will be shared by the KCC issuing bank and the KCC holders in the ratio of 2:1. KCC holder should give the Nominations.
Accident Insurance Scheme For KCC Holders
Persons covered: All KCC holders up to the age of 70 years
Risks covered