The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University e - Radio Broadcasting Station is implemented as per the policies approved of the Government of India for the grant of licenses for setting up of such stations to well established educational institutions. The present project is implemented by Media Lab Asia in collaboration with World Development Foundation, New Delhi for TNAU, Coimbatore.
Functionally, Community Radio means radio broadcasting with the objective of serving the cause of the Community in the service area by involving members of the community in the broadcast of their programmes.
The TNAU, Community Radio Station which has the coverage of 15 to 20 km, has the feature of ‘e’ component in it and hence the broadcast programme is integrated into the e – Extension network.
Handling Community e – Radio is an interesting and creative task. All the three types of intelligence viz., abstract, mechanical and social, are judiciously utilized in this ICT tool for making the programmes informative as well as interesting.
To compile, record, edit and fine tune the content of the technologies for the benefit of farmers, farm women, youth and other stakeholders in the broad domain of agriculture and rural development.
To ensure ‘Out of Box’ thinking in the mode and delivery of messages for capturing the attention of the listeners.
To conduct “on line phone – in” programmes.
To upload the contents in the TNAU Agri Portal for wider coverage and utility.
To perform as multimedia platform for creation, sharing and dissemination of agricultural information’s among farmers and experts.
To be a quality “Content Developing Centre” for other media units in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
To serve as ‘Skill Training’ hub for community radio professionals.
To document and broadcast the success experiences of stakeholders and promote community participation
List of Community Radio Stations in Tamil Nadu |