Postharvest Diseases :: Fruits :: Grapes
Anthracnose/ Bird eye spot: Elsinoe ampelina
- On berries, small, reddish circular spots initially develop.
- The centers of the spots turn whitish grey and are surrounded by narrow reddish-brown to black margins.
- Acervuli (fungal fruiting structures) eventually develop in the lesions.
- A pinkish mass of fungal spores (conidia) exudes from these structures during prolonged wet weather condition.
- Wetness for 24 hours or more and the temperature is above 36°F.
- Splashing rain are spread the disease
![](images/post_harvest_dis/grapes/antharanose1.jpg) |
![](images/post_harvest_dis/grapes/antharanose.jpg) |
Reddish circular spots |
Whitish grey
- The diseased leaves and twigs should be pruned and burnt.
- Spraying -Ferrous sulphate 2.5 kg + 0.5 pint sulphuric acid in 4.5 l of water.
- Spraying -BM 1.0 % or Copper oxychloride 0.25% or Carbendazim 0.1% or Mancozeb 0.2% or Difolatan 0.2% or Chlorothalonil 0.2% or Bitertenol 0.1%.
- Resistant varieties – Bangalore Blue, Beauty Seedless, Bharat Early, Golden queen, Large white.