Stem end rot: Botryodiplodia theobromae
- It incites a stem end rot and a surface fruit rot.
- It usually induces a wider and softer water-soaked margin and greater internal discolouration.
- Sporulating lesions of B.theobromae are black and have a rough surface caused by the erumpent, confluent arrangement of pycnidia.
- The disease development is more rapid on ripe and half ripe fruits.
- The rot begins as dark green, water-soaked spots.
- Later, the affected portion becomes shriveled and turns dark brown.
- Numerous pycnidia of the pathogen appear on the diseased portion.
- The infection of fruit stalk results in fruit drop.
![](images/post_harvest_papaya/5. papaya stem end rot 2pg.jpg) |
![](images/post_harvest_papaya/5. papaya stem end rot .jpg) |
![](images/post_harvest_papaya/5_stem_end_rot_botryodiplodia1.jpg) |
Stem end rot |
Water- soaked margin |
Black pycnidia on fruit |
- Hot water treatment 49°C for 20 minutes.
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