Agricultural crops :: Cereals :: Cumbu
Downy Mildew: Sclerospora graminicola
Symptoms often vary as a result of systemic infection.
Leaf symptoms begin as chlorosis at the base and successively higher leaves show progressively greater chlorosis.
Infected chlorotic leaf areas can support abundant white asexual sporulation on the lower leaf surface.
Severely infected plants are generally stunted and do not produce panicles.
Green ear symptoms result from transformation of floral parts into leafy structures.
- Grow downy mildew resistant varieties CO7, WCC 75, CO(Cu)9, TNAU-Cumbu Hybrid-CO9
- Transplanting reduces disease incidence. At the time of planting infected seedlings should be removed.
- In the direct sown crop, infested plants should be removed up to 45 days of sowing as and when the symptoms are noticed.
- Spray any one of the fungicides Metalaxyl + Mancozeb @500 g or Mancozeb 1000g/ha