Agricultural crops :: Cereals :: Maize
Leaf Blight: Exserohilum turcicum & Helminthosporium maydis |
- Long cigar-shape grey-green to tan-coloured lesions on lower leaves.
- Tan lesions are slender and oblong tapering at the ends ranging in size 1 to 6 inches.
- Lesions run parallel to leaf margins and they coalesce and cover enter leaf.
- Spores are produced on the underside of leaf.
- Below the lesions, fungus giving the dusty black/green fuzz appearance
- Leaves become greyish-green and brittle, resembling leaves killed by frost
Pathogen :
- Mycelium septate, branched and brownish.
- Conidiophores simple, cylindrical and septate.
- Conidia are olive grey and spindle shaped, curved and elongated with one to nine septa.
![](maize_disease_images/2.1.jpg) |
![](maize_disease_images/2.2.jpg) |
Blighting of leaves |
Favourable Conditions :
- Wet humid cool weather typically found later in the growing season.
Survival and Mode of Spread :
- Survives on infected plant debris.
- Windblown spores spread the disease.
- Conidia are transformed into thick-walled resting spores called chlamydospores.
- Burn or bury the Infected maize stubbles.
- Spray mancozeb or zineb @ 2-4 g/l or propiconazole 25% EC @ 1ml/l on 35 and 50 DAS
Exserohilum turcicum : Conidiophore with conidia |