Crop Protection :: Plantation crops :: Oil Palm
Nursery insect pests
Spindle bug: Carvalhoia arecae
Symptoms of damage
- Spindle bug - generally noticed in nursery seedlings and field planted young seedlings.
- Adults and nymphs of spindle bug live in the innermost two to three leaf axils.
- Suck sap from the spindle of leaves
- Necrotic lesions which later on turn into dry brown patches.
- In severe infestation the spindle fails, to open.
- Ploythene sachets - filled with Phorate 10 G (Thimet 10G), @ 2g per sachet, placed in the innermost two leaf axils (one sachet each in a leaf axil).
- The same sachets can be used for 6 – 8 months.
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