Late blight: Phytophthora infestans |
- Leaves, stems and tubers
- Water soaked spots appear on leaves, turn purple brown & finally black colour
- White growth develops on under surface
- Stem breaks at these points and the plant topples
- In tubers - purplish brown spots & spread to entire surface
- Tuber show rusty brown necrosis spreading from surface to the center
![](images/potato_ph_diseasess/5.lateblight1.jpg) |
![](images/potato_ph_diseasess/5.lateblight2.jpg) |
![](images/potato_ph_diseasess/5.lateblight4.jpg) |
![](images/potato_ph_diseasess/5.lateblight3.jpg) |
Water soaked spots |
Breaking of stem |
Purple brown spot |
Rusty brown necrosis |
Identification of pathogen:
- Mycelium - endophytic, coenocytic and hyaline
- Sporangiophores – arise from internal mycelium through stomata on the tubers
- Sporangia - multinucleate, thin walled, hyaline, oval shaped
- Zoospores - biflagellate
Mode of spread and survival:
- Infected tubers and infected soil - source of primary infection
- Survival of fungus in fruiting stage or as dormant mycelium in the soil
- Persisting of perennial mycelium in affected tubers from the field, stored and used as seed in next season
- Cool (12 to 15°C) and humid ( above 90 %) weather with rains alternating with warm (20°C) moist period
- S. demissum and S. phureja - used for breeding for disease resistant varieties
- Varieties - Kufri Naveen, Kufri Jeevan, Kufri Alenkar, Kufri Moti
- Bruising of tubers at harvest should be avoided
- Regular spraying during growing season gives effective control- 10 to 15 days interval
- Brestan 600g/ha
- Zineb 0.2 %
- Bordeaux mixture 1.0%
- Mancozeb (2 kg/ha)
Source of Images: