Agricultural crops :: Pulses :: Redgram
Yellow Mosaic: Redgram yellow mosaic virus
Symptom |
- The disease first appears in the form of yellow, diffused spots scattered on the leaf lamina such spots slowly expand and in later stages , yellow patches
alternated with green patches developed on the leaves.
- Newly formed leaves completely turn yellow Infected plants stunted and produce only few pods
- The virus is transmitted through white fly Bemisia tabaci
- Rogue out the infected plants upto 40 days.
- Remove weed hosts periodically
- Spray Methyldemeton @ 500 ml/ha
Integrated disease management
- Deep summer ploughing
- Application of Farmyard manure @12.5 Kg/ha along with 2.5 kg of Trichoderma viride or Pseuodomonas fluorescens
- Seed treatment with Talc formulation of Trichoerma viride @ 4g or Pseuodomonas fluorescens @ 10 g/kg Carbendazim or Thiram @ 2 g/kg
- Spot drenching with Carbendazim 1 g/ litre of water to control root rot and wilt diseases
- Avoid water stress during flowering period to control root rot
- Rogue out infected plants up to 40 days after sowing for managing sterility mosaic and yellow mosaic diseases
![](../../ta/crop_protection/red_gram_disease_ta/yellow mosaic.jpg)
Symptom |