Crop Protection :: Pest of Red Gram
Pod fly: Melanagromyza obtusa |
Symptoms of damage
- Dark brown encrustation on the pod wall
- Dry pods showing pin head size hole
- Seeds shriveled, striped and partially eaten
- Maggots cause damage by boring into the soft seeds and feed on grains.
- The damaged seeds are unfit for consumption as well as for germination.
- The extent of damage may be even upto 60-70% during severe infestation.
Identification of the pest
- Eggs: Eggs are laid by them singly or in cluster inside the pod wall by piercing through the ovipositor. The fly lays about 60-80 eggs. Incubation period is 2-4 days.
- Larva: Larval period is about 5-18 days
- Pupa: Pupal period varies from 7-10 days. A number of overlapping generations are found in a year.
Larva |
Adult |
- Conserve natural enemies like Euderus lividus, Eurytoma sp., Euderus agromyzae
- Spray Carbaryl 50 WP 1.5 kg or lambda cyhalothrin 5 EC 400 -500 ml or Lufenuron 5.4 EC 2.5 L with 700 L water/ha