Septoria Leaf Spot:Septoria lycopersici
- Small, round to irregular spots with grey centre and dark margin on leaves.
- Spots coalesce and leaves are blighted.
- Complete defoliation.
- Stems and flowers are affected.
Irregular spots on leaves |
Causal Organism – Septoria lycopersici Speg.
Mycelium : Hyaline and septate
Fruiting body : Pycnidium: globose, without distinct ostiole
Pathogen: Pycnidiospore : filiform, septate, hyaline
Survival and Mode of Spread
Survival: Infected plant debris
Primary spread: Mycelium or conidia
Secondary spread: Conidia through rain splash or wind
Favourable conditions
Integrated Disease Management
- Removal and destruction of affected plant parts
Biological :
- Seed treatment :Trichoderma asperellum @ 4g/kg seeds
- Fluxapyroxad 250 g/l + Pyraclostrobin 250 g/l SC - 200-250 ml/ha.
Source of Information:
- Crop production guide – Horticulture 2020.
- Dr.N. Indra, Associate Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, TNAU, Coimbatore.
- Dr.P.Renukadevi, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, TNAU, Coimbatore.
- Photo courtesy Dr.S.Vinodkumar.