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Horticultural crops :: Vegetables:: Tomato

Tomato spotted wilt disease : Groundnut bud necrosis virus / Tomato spotted wilt virus  (TMV)


  • Severe stunting .
  • Chlorotic or necrotic ringson leaves.
  • Thickening of veins and bronzing of young leaves.
  • Growing tips die-back and wilt.
  • Yellow areas with concentric circular markings in fruit.
  • Discoloration of seed.
  • Affected leaves
     Infected Plant
     Concentric rings on fruits

Causal organism:

  • Groundnut bud necrosis virus / Tomato spotted wilt virus
  • Vector :

  • Thrips –Frankliniella schultzii, Scirtothrips dorsali
  • Survival and Mode of Spread

    Primary spread:

  • Infected plants
  • Secondary spread:

  • Thrips, Frankliniella schultzii, Scirtothrips dorsalis
  • Integrated Disease Management


  • Use of healthy seedlings for transplanting
  • Rouging of infected plants upto 45 days of planting .
  • Growing sorghum, maize or bajra as barrier crop.
  • Chemical

    Apply any one of the following insecticide
    • Cyantraniliprole 10.26 OD @ 900 ml/ha
    • Thiamethoxam 70 WS @ 300 ml / ha
    • Imidachloprid 17.8 SL @ 250 ml / ha.

    Source of Information

    • Crop production guide – Horticulture 2020


    • Photo courtesy by Dr.P.Renukadevi, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, TNAU, Coimbatore.

    Updated on Jan 2023

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