Innovative Practices in Farming
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Farming |
Farm Holding |
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2 acres
Water source |
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Type of Irrigation |
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Drip Irrigation
Crops |
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0.5 Acres – Fenugreek
1.5 Acres – Spinach and Palak
Varieties |
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Co 5 (Mulaikeerai)
Co 1 - Fenugreek
Type of Farming |
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Farm Labour |
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Innovative Practices in Farming
Innovative Practices in Farming
Gopala Krishnan have adopted drip irrigation to minimize the wastage of water and also to prevent the lodging of plants when the water is sprinkled with high power. He also mentioned that after adopting drip irrigation, he noticed a small reduction in the growth of weeds, since water was directly delivered to the plants and the surrounding soil remained dry which prevented the growth of weeds..
Farming Practices
The land is cleared and ploughed before making beds. Beds are formed for sowing the seeds of fenugreek and spinach. After the formation of beds for basal manuring he uses farm yard manure and N,P,K fertilizers. Thinning of plants is done after 20-25 days of sowing.
Plant Protection Practices
The farmer has adopted integrated pest and disease management practices. For controlling rotting of roots he has adopted application of neem cake. For controlling pests various foliar sprays and chemical insecticides are used.
Besides this for managing peacock attacks the farmer is planning to install fencing to reduce the extent of damage caused
The marketing of fengugreek is mainly done thorugh wholesalers, Spinach is marketed through local markets for directs sales and also freshly harvested spinches are delivered to the homes based on their orders.
Benefits and Impact
Gopala Krishnan's use of drip irrigation has significantly enhanced water use efficiency. Drip irrigation conserves water and reduces environmental runoff, while precise fertilizer and pesticide use is minimizing soil and water contamination. The adoption of these practices are leading to substantial environmental and economic benefits..
Source Information:
Mr. Gopala krishnan,
Coimbatore - District.
Mobile :: 9865897534
Mail-ID: : :
Student Information:
Sahla Salam
MSc (Ag.) Agricultural Extension Education