Asian Seabass Farming Technology
- Suitable hardy fish for farming in brackish / marine/ fresh water ponds/ cages/ pens
- Better price in domestic & export markets
- Seed production and culture technologies available
Nursery Phases
- Seed stocking @ 1000 /m3 in tanks or @ 500 / m3 in happas
- Feeding minced fish / shrimp meat ad libidum 4 times / day
- Regular cleaning and water exchange
- Grading to avoid cannibalism
- Grows to 3-5 g in 30- 40 days
Grow-out Phases
- Stock seed @ 7000-10000/ha in ponds and @ 20-25/m2 in cages
- Feed with low-valued fish (<Rs 7-8/kg)
- Poluculture with forage live fish
- Harvest after 6-8 months (0..8-1 kg)
- Production 4-5 t/ha
Farming with formulated Feed
- Wean the fish to the formulated feed in the nurseries
- Selesct slow-sinking pellets (Rs 40/kg)
- Stock seed @15000/ha
- Initially feed @20% of biomass and gradually reduce to 2% at the end of culture period
- Grow for 6-8 months (0.8-1 kg)
- Production 7-8 t/ha
ECONOMICS (Rupees in lakhs/ha) |
Input |
Low Cost Fish as Feed |
Formulated Feed |
Pond preparation |
0.20 |
0.20 |
Seed cost |
0.30 |
0.40 |
Feed cost |
2.16 |
6.00 |
Other expenditure |
1.38 |
1.38 |
Total expenditure |
4.04 |
7.98 |
Gross income (lakhs) |
5.40 |
9.00 |
Net income (lakhs) |
1.36 |
1.02 |
![asian seabass](images/culture/asian_seabass.png)
![nursery phases](images/culture/asian_seabass2.png) |
![grow-out phases](images/culture/asian_seabass3.png) |
![grow-out phase](images/culture/asian_seabass4.png) |
Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR)
Barrackpore, Kolkata -700 120,
West Bengal.
Updated on Jan 2015