Red Sander - Pterocarpus santalinus |
Common name: Red Sander
Scientfic name: Pterocarpus santalinus
Life span: 20-25 years
Planting Spacing: 4 X 4 m
Nurseries technologies
- Seeds are viable upto one year
- Nursery bed size: 1.2 x 1.2 x .03m (Length x width x height)
- Seeds are mixed with sand and broadcasted over the mother bed
- Finally cover the mother bed with thin layer of soil
- Keep a layer of paddy straw for mulching
Red Sander tree
![](images/tibertree/PHOTOS/Red sander/Nursery germination.jpg)
Seedling Germination
![](images/tibertree/PHOTOS/Red sander/Red sander bark.jpg) |
![](images/tibertree/PHOTOS/Red sander/Redsander leaves.jpeg) |
![](images/tibertree/PHOTOS/Red sander/Red sander Pods.jpg) |
Red sander Bark |
Red sander leaves |
Red sander Pods |
Plantation Techniques
- Land should be ploughed thoroughly
- Planting Spacing: 45 x 45 x 45 cm (Length x width x height)
- 12 months old saplings should be planted in pits
- Weeding, cleaning, pruning and irrigation should be done upto 3 year old plantation
Utility values
- Wood can be used for the perfume industry
- Wood can be used for medicinal purposes
![](images/tibertree/PHOTOS/Red sander/Redsander seedlings.JPG)
For more details contact following address
Forest College and Research Institute,
Coimbatore - 641301.
Phone: 04254 - 222398, 222010