Indigenous Farming :: Indigenous Technical Knowledge
Traditional Spices varieties![](new_image/new.gif)
- 'Karimundan' is another local variety suitable for higher elevations with short spikes.
- 'Kattumilagu' is a type of wild variety, yielding once in 2-3 years with more pungent berries and it is found in reserve forests only.
- When a sample of pepper is chewed, metallic sound indicates its optimal dryness.
- For producing white pepper, the fruits are allowed to ripen in the climber itself. Then they are collected, put in tanks, foot pressed to remove the skins and they are washed with water and dried to produce white pepper which is having medicinal value.
- ''Valukkai' is suitable for high rainfall areas producing semi prostrate panicles with smooth surfaced pods.
- Cardamom seeds are sown immediately after harvest to get better germination.
- Seeds, after extraction, are washed well with water for 2 or 3 times to remove the mucilaginous substances, mixed with ash and dried for 2 or 3 days.
- A mixture of neem cake powder and sheep manure is applied @ 200g/plant.
- A mixture of extracts of neem cake and tobacco waste is sprayed to control stem borer and capsule thrips in cardamom.
- Cardamom capsules after the harvest are cured thrrough fumigation. Fumigation is done in a room, locally called as 'store'. There will be 11 trays fitted with sand sieves in a stand and four such stands will be in a store. Capsules are spread on these trays and fumigated. During cardamom curing in the first day morning, the capsules are first preheated at 40° C for 1 hour after which windows are kept open for 1 hour. Then second heating is done at 60° C for 5 hours followed by the opening of windows for 2-3 hours. Then a mild third heating is given for another 10 hours and kept in the trays up to the second day evening. Total curing period takes 30-36 hours. Purpose of curing is to dry the pods without losing their green color to fetch good market value with better keeping quality.
- 'Singapore red' is a local variety called as 'periumpoodu' with duration of 4 1/2 months produce bulbs having reddish skin, big sized cloves with less water content and high keeping quality.
- 'Malaippoodu, is a local variety with a duration of 4months producing big sized bulbs with more pungency and more water content.
- Sheep penning is better for getting higher yields.
- Neem cake is applied 4kg /ac. to reduce the infestation for root grub.
- Time of harvest is indicated by yellowing and withering of leaves which turn to pale green colour and start drying from the top. Over maturity causes damage to the bulbs.