2. The Descending Moon : (DAY) These days are indicated in black tint.
The distance between moon and earth becomes closer for 13.6 days approx. These days are mentioned as descending days.
In these days we can
- Transplanting the seedlings
- Making Compost
- Compost application to the field
- Ploughing
- B.D.500 (Horn Manure) + CPP and Liquid manure application in the soil
- Harvesting bulbs and roots.
3. The Nodes:
The Moon crosses the path of the sun (The Ecliptic). The crossing points are called as nodes and these are the places and times where eclipses can occur. The terms ascending node and descending node indicates whether the moon is ascending and descending in relation to the sun’s path. In this calendar the node indicates the occurring time. Before and after 6 hours from the time avoid important agri activities.
4. Apogee and Perigee:
When the moon is closest to the Earth is called perigee and the farthest from the earth is called apogee.
The moon moves from perigee to apogee and back again in 27.5 days approx. The distances at apogee and perigee are not constant. Before and after 6 hours at the particular time we must avoid seeds owing and transplanting. But on apogee days we can sow the bulbs like potatoes.
5. Full moon:
48 hours before full moon is suitable time for sowing seeds and applying liquid manures including CPP as foliar spray.Panchagavyam can be sprayed in this day at morning hours. B.D. 501 (Horn Silica) can be sprayed for fungal control.
6. New Moon:
1. Avoid sowing seeds
2. Felling timber
3. Seeds such as gingelly, black gram etc shall be collect for sowing and preserving purpose.
7. Moon opposite Saturn:
It’s simply when Moon and Saturn are standing opposite side to earth at 180 degree. This position occurs in 27.5 days.
1. Seed sowing and transplanting
2. B.D. 501 (Horn Silica) spraying at early morning
3. It is auspicious day for all important agri activities.
8. The Constellations:
When the Moon is in Earth sign i.e., Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus are suitable for root development. These days are suitable for cultivating beet root, carrot, turmeric, ginger and other root crops like vettiver, nannari, potato, tapioca, etc.
When the moon is in Air sign i.e., Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are suitable for flower development.
These days are suitable for cultivating cauliflower, rose, jasmine and other flower crops.
When the moon is in Water sign i.e., Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are suitable for cultivating curry leaf, cabbage, greens, sugarcane, onion, tree plants for timber.
When the moon is in Fire sign i.e., Leo, Aries, Sagittarius are suitable for cultivating banana, orange, mango, millets, pulses, paddy, groundnut, cotton, etc.
- Selvaraj, N., B.Anita, B.Anusha and M.Guru Saraswathi. 2006. Organic Horticulture creating a more sustainable farming. Horticultural Research Station, Udhagamandalam.
- Bio-Dynamic Association of India (BDI)
Updated on : Oct 2014 |