Traditional Banana Fruit Varieties
- Unripened banana bunches are piled in a vessel and incense sticks are inside the vessel. Then if the lid of the vessel is closed, the bunches will ripe in about 12 hours.
- For quick ripening of banana fruits, lime solution is sprinkled over the bunches.
- For easy ripening of banana, neem leaves are inserted in between the bunches
- About 25g. of mixture of neem oil cake and castor oil cake is applied around each banana sucker 60 days after planting to control.
- Diluted tobacco leaf extract is sprayed on banana crop to control leaf spot diseases.
- Suckers, which are half foot in height and 2½ kg. in weight are used for banana planting.
- Banana suckers are immersed for a while in 1 lit. of neem oil dissolved in 100 lit. of water before planting in order to prevent rhizome rot.
- Ground nut cake is applied to banana crop for better yield.
- To control fruit rot in banana during storage, the fruit stalks are soaked in 10% thulasi (Ocimum canum)leaf extract or 1 % neem oil solution and stored.
- Banana crop raised after the marigold cultivation invites less nematode attack.
- Growing Sesbania spp. (trees) as border crop around banana fields to act as a shelter crop in order to prevent the wind damage.
- Neem leaves are put inside a vessel containing banana hands for ripening of fruits. But ripening will take about four days.