Indigenous Farming :: Indigenous Technical Knowledge
Traditional Flower Varieties![](new_image/new.gif)
- Naattu malli' is a local variety producing small sized, but highly fragrant flowers with short stalks and hence suitable for preparing perfumes.
- Every year, FYM is applied or sheep penning is practiced to replenish soil fertility.
- One kg. of oleander fruits is soaked in water for one day after which, they are crushed and extract is taken. Then it is diluted with water for 10 times and sprayed to control all the pests in jasmine.
- Five kg of leaves and small branches of 'Oduvanthalai' (Cleistanthus collinus) are boiled with 2 lit. of water until the volume gets reduced to 1 lit. This decoction is mixed with water @ 50 ml. in 15 lit. of water and sprayed with hand sprayer in jasmine fields to control most of insect pests and diseases.
- Neem cake powder is applied @ 1 50g./plant to control nematodes.
- While tying and pruning the bushes in Nov.-Dec. sheep penning is practiced and sheeps are allowed to feed on the old foliage to induce fresh growth.
- To control the root knot nematodes in 'crossandra dried flowers of red oleander (Nerium oleander) are mixed with neem cake and applied at last ploughing.
- Neem cake is applied to control nematodes (Also for Chrysanthemum).
- Chrysanthemum planted during Chithirai (Apr.-May) exhibits slow and dense growth and prodcues small flowers but the yield is higher and hence it is profitable.
- Groundnut cake is powdered and applied to get higher yields and big sized flowers (Also for tuberose)
- Pinching of terminal shoots is done two months after planting to have more branches.
- In case of one day delay for sending to market, harvested flowers are spread on gunny bags, sprinkled with water and covered with white cloth in order to preneut.
- FYM is abundantly applied during January and August for increased flower yield.
- Oleander up to 5 - 6 months from planting. Oleander plants are severely pruned to 1-2 feet height at 5-6 years after planting for getting fresh shoots and higher yields. This pruning is repeated for another 2 times once in 4 years after which they are uprooted and fresh planting is done.